John 4:31-45

John - We all have a Samaria

John 4:31-45
John 4:39-41
"Many of the Samaritans from that town believed in him because of the woman’s testimony, “He told me everything I ever did.” So when the Samaritans came to him, they urged him to stay with them, and he stayed two days. And because of his words many more became believers."
There’s an undeniable cause and effect taking place here. Last week, we looked at the beginning of John chapter 4. We were introduced to a lady, who by all accounts had made some poor choices in life. She’d given herself to a string of unhealthy relationships and now found herself on the side-lines within her community. Shame and isolation went before and behind her.

Until she meets with the only man who could ever truly see her, know where she’s been and know how to restore her: Jesus.

Running back to her people, they obviously see and hear the impact of this encounter and want to savour some of it for themselves too. The second half of John 4 shows us what the domino-effect of the Gospel can result in: one person receiving leads to many people receiving.

That was God’s plan then – it’s God’s plan today.

This week, I’d love for us to consider the truth that we are all Samaritans and we all have a Samaria. That is to say: we are all in desperate need of meeting with Jesus; and we all have circles of influence for that encounter to spill over into.

The lady at the well, didn’t have her whole life neatly packed together in those moments. But she came into contact with the God who was capable and willing to carry her and help her in understanding the true depths and worth of her heart.

Because there is a Messiah who turns our mess in life, into a message of new life.

As a Christian - a welcomed, adopted and valued child of God – you have places to step and people to speak with today, that are Kingdom appointments. Don’t write yourself off. Don’t write others off. The message of hope that is at the centre of your being now, is enough to introduce others to the Messiah who transforms.

If He can do it in your life, He can and will do it in them too.  


  1. In what ways has God had an impact on your life recently?

  2. How might your words and actions display Jesus to those around you this week? Not theoretically – actually.

  3. Who is in your life at the moment who would be easy for you to ignore or feel a level of disappointment/disapproval towards? What’s stopping you from carrying them in prayer over the coming week?



Thank you that you sent your Son Jesus. Thank you that Jesus is capable and willing to meet us in the very midst of our mess and doubts. Thank you that it is His delight to restore us AND give us a message of hope to take to those around us. Holy Spirit please give us a renewed boldness and urgency to convey and display Jesus, at any opportunity. Remind us of just how much you are before us and behind us, as we step out in faith.

This Everyday Devotions was written by Adam Bream, who leads Everyday Southfields.

Adam unpacks these themes in more detail in his sermon message this week on our website, YouTube Channel and at our Online Church Services.

This Everyday Devotions has also inspired a devotional video that you can watch on our YouTube Channel.

Follow our Everyday Devotions Playlist for some songs to help you worship God in Spirit and truth this week.
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