Galatians 1:1-24 Part 2

Galatians – Living in the good of grace

Galatians 1:1-24
Welcome to week 2 of our series on the book of Galatians. We are still in chapter 1, we are looking for God to keep speaking to us out of his word. We are deliberately not rushing on too quickly. Our world moves at such a pace, and we can all be caught up in the speed of the world around us. This is so true of our daily lives, work, school, family, friendships, practical tasks, managing our money, keeping fit (or not!). All these things have to be squeezed into 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. If we are not careful our relationship with God becomes one more thing to fit in, another tick on our to-do list. So let’s slow down for a moment. Let’s take a pause. Take a moment now to read through these verses again.

The bible encourages us to wait on the Lord (Isaiah 40) and to meditate on God’s word (Psalm 1). Over these weeks we want to encourage one another to do just that. Seek to make space for God to break in. It isn’t easy for some of us, but it is vital if our relationship with God is truly going to be our foundation for living the rest of life with real joy. You could try reading one chapter of Galatians each day and then all six chapters on Sunday.

Aha, I hear you cry, that sounds a bit legalistic, a bit religious. Surely Galatians is all about grace. Well you are right, Galatians is all about grace, because the gospel is all about grace. Reading a chapter of Galatians every day is not going to earn me points on God’s scoreboard. It is not going mean that God loves me more. God’s love for me is constant and unconditional. God’s love for me, and you, is declared in history and for eternity in the cross. Waiting on God on a daily basis and spending time meditating on scripture doesn’t impact God’s heart – but it transforms mine.

Allowing the word of God to penetrate deep into my heart and soul. Opening up my mind, my thoughts to truth on a daily basis. These disciplines can totally transform my awareness of who God is and who I am in Christ. It is not that in doing these things I make God love and accept me – that would be religion! No, it is in doing these things that I discover afresh the fullness of God’s grace towards me.

In our sermon this week we were reminded that though Paul was unique in his Apostleship – we have all been commissioned and sent by God. We also saw that Paul honoured community, but knew that for a life of integrity we must live to please God first and others second. Finally we were drawn back to the fact that there is no other gospel other than the grace of God displayed in Christ. As we spend time in Galatians this week let us keep speaking these truths over ourselves and over others.


  1. How might we establish or refresh our rhythm of waiting on God and meditating on the word?

  2. Where might we be tempted to change our faith in an attempt to please others?

  3. What false gospels might we be tempted to believe and put our trust in?


Father God, thank you for your grace that has made a way for unhindered relationship with you and your invitation to step out of the busyness of life and spend time in your presence. Fill me with your Holy Spirit afresh today that I might live in the good of all you have won for me on the cross.
This Everyday Devotions was written by Simon Elliott, who leads our team of Elders.

Simon unpacks these themes in more detail in his sermon message this week on our website, YouTube Channel and at our Online Church Services.

This Everyday Devotions has also inspired a devotional video that you can watch on our YouTube Channel.
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